Simple New England Hike - Todder Team
With the winter days getting shorter, there isn't much time after work to get outdoors with the sunlight. Regardless, I still manage to find some time most days of the week. In Newbury MA there is one place in particular that stay very bright until the sun goes down. It is also a great place for the dogs seeing as part of the hike is through a great big field. This hike is Old Town Hill with our favorite trail being called Adams Pasture Trail. Its great because you can pretty much make the hike as long as you want based on how high the sun is in the sky. On this hike you are surrounded in classic New England forests bordering the marshland. You are also almost guaranteed to see some wildlife and if you go late enough you might even hear some coyotes! But make sure not to forget your hunters orange.
Beautiful Sunset on some New England Marshland.
Some Bean Boots Stomping down on a pallet of drift wood.
Sunny the Mini Aussie testing his balance skills on a bridge.
That little pine island would be a great spot for a workshop!